Take a gun off the streets of Los Angeles

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Los Angeles

44 Contributors
$8,039.25 / $10,000.00 Goal

We are partnering with the Mayor Eric Garcetti and the LAPD on a gun buyback in Los Angeles on May 12, 2018!

All guns recovered will be destroyed, making our community safer. You can join in this effort and take a dangerous, illegal, or unwanted gun off the streets of Los Angeles by donating now.

Every $100 donated = 1 less gun in circulation

We can no longer wait for change on gun violence. It's time for action.

Donations made on this page go directly to a fund set up by the GRYD Foundation to fund this buyback, and are fully tax-deductible. 

Thanks to our partners: Mayor Eric Garcetti, the Los Angeles Police Department, and the GRYD foundation.

Who's donating

Who's donating: from Eugene, OR donated. Thank you!


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Make your voice heard in the fight against gun violence.


Join the movement

With your help, we'll be 1/4th closer to removing a gun off the street.


Half way towards removing a gun

Your $50 donation gets us half way towards removing a gun. Find a friend and finish the job!


Remove a gun from circulation

Your donation of $100 will remove a dangerous gun from circulation. That's one less gun that will be able to kill, injure, or threaten somebody.


Take an assault weapon off the streets

Your donation of $200 is enough to remove a military-style assault weapon off the streets.


Major Funder

Your $500 donation will remove five dangerous guns from circulation - that's enough to arm a small militia.


Game Changer

You will single-handedly remove 10 dangerous guns out of circulation - that's enough to have a transformative impact on our community.

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